ਸਮੱਗਰੀ 'ਤੇ ਜਾਓ


ਸਫ਼ਾ ਸਮੱਗਰੀ ਹੋਰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀ ਹੈ।
ਵਿਕਸ਼ਨਰੀ, ਇਕ ਅਜ਼ਾਦ ਸ਼ਬਦਕੋਸ਼ ਤੋਂ
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Tulspal kaur

About me

My name is Tulspal Kaur and my user name is Tulspal. I belong to Punjab, india. I did master’s of commerce from Punjabi university patiala.

My work

I have been contributing to Wikimedia’s projects and most of my interest is in Wikidata. As an active contributor, I have completed my #300wikidays once. My fourth round #100wikidays/100wikidatadays going on. This time I am expending Punjab based data on Wikidata:Wikiproject Punjab and Wikiproject India. I utilized the open refine tool and quickstatments for item creation and editing. Apart from this I am more into data science part and wants to explore Wikimedia’s technology and tools.

Wiki Projects /Training activities Involved

Conference Attended person and online


Click here to see my contributions on Wiki

This user participated in the #100wikidays challenge.
pa-N ਇਸ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਕੋਲ਼ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਦੀ ਮੂਲ ਸਮਝ ਹੈ।
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
hi-3 इस सदस्य को हिन्दी का उच्च स्तर का ज्ञान है।